She was emaciated
As the endless rain continues to fall
Inwardly hits her like the sharpest dart
Angst and afraid
Gingerly she was packing
With tears streaming down her face
When the day has come to take off training wheels
To live life without a safety net
Drifted into the horizon
She stood at the doorstep
Never looking back at her home
With sorrowful and glistening eyes
Seeking for omen
Stained with bitter tears
Bracing herself against the falling steps
Being amateurish for the godforsaken place
Solving the conundrum
Anguishing the alienation
For the mirth and goods lay ahead
Saturday, December 30, 2006
A break for a hedge
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Wednesday, December 20, 2006
The world, of ours
Full of threats and upheaval
Everyone seems to be engrossed
Keeping the pace with the rat race
It aint a new vigor for us
But a question of acquisition
A question that'd frantically intimidating
How I wish it were scripted or foretold
I have a few of them
And yet my entire life to risk
I'd have to face the consequences
Initially I thought I could just pick a coin
For a throw that'd make a difference
Subsequently I'm going to wring my neck
I want to fly
I want to soar into the sky
I want to be something bizarre
Something different from the others
Here I am, again
Squandering my life
Still standing, contemplating..
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Monday, December 18, 2006
Blogger or Reader?
This is, well umm..another draft. Quite sometime already being left behind in the draft corner. I wrote this a few months ago after I read someone's blog.
Does anyone actually read his/her own posts?
Does anyone had headache whether should post the entry they had typed?
Do you think thrice before you post something?
When we blog, people read our mind and we are likely manipulating the readers. When we read, as a reader, we are not bothering that we are actually part of the story. We are just, anonymous. Even though something is obviously not right, but then we do not speak out. We have no right to do that because we are just a pass-by-er. When we blog, we are the protagonist and free to talk about anything. Eventually we don't realize that we are hurting others' feelings.
This is my blog and I have my right to blog anything I'd want.
True. But how would you feel when you are not yourself but you are actually a reader reading your own blog?
Throughout the year, I've learnt a lesson through blogging that actually developed myself to a different person. I'm not a great blogger as the others. This is not about blogging but a wisdom that we should all apply in our daily hectic life.
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Saturday, December 16, 2006
Six Sense or Sensitive?
Gals have six sense. Or, are they just being too sensitive?
Hey I have six sense! Or maybe I'm just too sensitive? Oops! I mean very sensitive. I'd have a bad feeling about something that could happen, sometime. I can feel the sincerity about a person. You know, people with good and bad intentions.
Have you ever curb your cries and anger even though you are deeply and madly hurt? I am a bad person. I neglected people and always being heartless. I felt really bad for what I did. Eventually I cried for being a nice person. (Okay, I cannot deny this)
Sometime things may look nice to us, but not for the others. Everyone is different. We love what we love but the others don't. We are nice, but the others don't think so. Our words are cunning and likely razorblades but we don't realize.
Every human being lives as an observer. We'd observe all the happenings around us. Everything happens for a reason. Reasons that we couldn't foresee. That's the answer to our queries. Curbing our anger or cries will not help, in any way. Listen to the rhythm of our life, you'll find that it's a magnificent art.
Or, perhaps the so-called SIX SENSE is just a metaphor.
Gals are too-over-sensitive right?
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Thursday, December 7, 2006
Pada saat yang bersejarah ini, calon WL071A070 telah tamat menduduki peperiksan SPM!
Let's acclaim MERDEKA, shall we?
Should be feeling great right now but I'm feeling kinda sad because this is going to put a full stop towards my secondary schooling life, and my tuition stuffs. I've struggled for two years just for this moment that will forever vividly emblazoned in my life!
I've tried my best. I've blurted out everything out of my mind, now I'm going to leave it to the God. The most important is not about the TIPS or RESULTS. The main key is about the process. Study groups, discussions, the process of learning are the greatest of all!
Btw, I'm not a drudge. I'm just an ordinary student that typically loves to play. No play makes a dull life you know! If there were no enjoyment, it would be a monotonous journey.
Gatherings, decisions, my blogging drafts! Aduh~
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Monday, December 4, 2006
The Right One to Arrive
Yea. Finally, the real one to arrive at my doorstep. I received my surat perintah and I'm so blur as I approach the letters. There are so many forms. Let me cite some of them..
1. Surat Pemberitahuan Peserta (Yea, thx for the inform, lolx)
2. Buku Rujukan (a.k.a THE RULES)
3. Tiket Bas (Got air-corn ar?)
4. Borang Penangguhan (Can I recycle it?)
5. Borang Pemeriksaan Kesihatan (Not so sure after joining NS)
6. Borang Pendaftaran Peserta (Do I have a choice?)
7. Surat Kebenaran Pengendalian Senjata M-16 (Cool huh?)
Right. What should I do with all these stuffs?
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An unexpected tragedy
Everyone was shocked. He was the uncle that used to jog everyday. His head was..*oh never mind* I don't want anyone throwing up in front of the computer.
By the way, an important lesson for today..
It was a starling news. He's the old man who used to jog everyday, has a disabled wife. He loves orchids, especially my mum's. Everyone was standing there with sorrowful and glistening eyes. The traffic was unsustainable. The gossipers started their daily routine..
Every human being was put here to serve his or her own specific purpose. We may not know what it is but we are hopefully to fulfill the glory of the God intended us to do. Tragedies occur everyday and human beings, as the tiny portion dot on the globe can't change anything. People used to cling to the past-memories that will never be true.
Everyone has worth, even as a stranger. Strangers' existence may not be vital, however without them, our life will never be the same.
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Sunday, November 26, 2006
I'm Totally Fine
Tears keep on plopping down. Argh! Hate'em. I’m really numb. I was planning to do some Add Maths and guess what? I ended my day sitting in front of the computer, doing nothing.
I start to worry about it, again. I'm a positive person, but now not anymore. I've been thinking, it's great right? Yea, you guys will not see me or hear about me. I'm gone for three months. Hooray!
You know, perhaps it's a good thing. Finally I'm officially off for a blog break. It's time for me to get some stuffs outta my mind. I adore peoples with guts, and personalities. I wish that I could be like them. When all those unspoken thoughts are blurted, how great is it?
I wanna blurt out everything outta my mind, flush them out. And I know that is not going to happen, anyway. I hope that this coming journey will put a full stop that represents the end. Wish me luck okay?
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Thursday, November 2, 2006
The Nail
Once there was a little boy who had a very bad temper. One day, his dad gave him a bag of nails and told him to hammer a nail in the fence behind their house every time he lost his temper.
The following day, the boy drove 38 nails into the fence. But day after day the number of the nails he hammered gradually decreased. The boy soon realized that it was easier to hold back his temper than to drive those nails. Finally the day came when he didn't hammer any nail to the fence. His dad then told him to pull out one nail for each day that he was able to control his temper.
Days passed and the boy was finally able to declare that all the nails had been pulled out. His dad then led him to the fence and said:
"My Boy, you've done well. But look at the holes in the fence. The same thing happens to human being. It doesn't matter how many time you say sorry; the wounds you cause will leave scars on the person you hit out against."
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Wednesday, November 1, 2006
Graduation '06
Unable to acknowledge what it was
Underneath the mask of every graduates
Tears plopped down the cheeks
It had been a great journey
Along with the bickering, gossips and fights
Without each and every characteristic
The crowd would not have been the same
You guys made the pigment a great colour
That is, the colour of our own!
Graduation ought not be an end
No distance of place or lapse of time
Would fade out our friendship
There will always be an utopia
Where we stored our stories
The crowd is gone but not our promise
Our memories lay in a field of grace
Let's get ready to sail
For nerves of oars awaiting us
Let's beat'em up with flying colours!
Guys, remember though..
Our schooling may be over
Yet never our friendship
We had our amazing rhymes
We are the best of mates
We are the class of 2006!
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Friday, October 20, 2006
Selamat Hari Raya!!
Kepada: Cikgu-cikgu dikasihi & kawan-kawanku..
Lebaran Aidilfitri dah menjelang
Takbir kini mula bergema
Kala ni semua insan bergembira
Hasil sebulan puasa
Bulan Ramadan yang mulia
Kini semua insan dihujani
Dengan berkat dan kemenangan
Nyiur-nyiur mengikut alunan bayu
Riak wajah semua insan
Tergambar perasaan keriangan
Menyambut lebaran yang mulia
Insan-insan yang beriman
Mendapat pengampunan daripada-Nya
Semoga korang diberkati selalu
Selamat Hari Raya diucapkan
Maaf Zahir Batin..
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Thursday, October 5, 2006
Mooncake Festival
Does the immortal Chang Er exist?
Does the legendary hare exist?
Yet the myth doesn't display any indication
I see Paris Hilton instead of the immortal Chang Er
I see Mashi Maro instead of the legendary hare
Mooncake of savoury fillings
Catered our tastebuds
Flickers of the lanterns
Of cartoon characters and animals
Rays of hope enlighten the night of tranquility
The moon
The big rock in the sky
Shone upon the horizon
Amidst the darkness of the genial night
Engulfed the world with light and hope
Standing in its embrace
I gazed the way it shone
Upon the horizon of mine
Inadvertently my eyes could, and did
Shined in the shattered world
Leading to the oasis of hysterics
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Friday, September 29, 2006
Am I being restless
People still laughing, flowers still blooming, exam still approaching. Why can't they see the grief in our eyes? Why can't they understand how we feel? Doesn't anybody care? We thought that everyone is calloused in our matters. Nope, they aren't. They are just not involved in our grief.
My mood turned to devastation. Feeling numb and speechless, I spoke a few words to him and leave. Stepping out of the ICU, I questioned myself "What was I doing? What went wrong to me?" I've been practicing what I wanna tell him since a few days ago but I couldn't remember a word when I saw him. What was I doing?
A tube was drained to his brain, the crack was obvious. He was wheezing and gasping for breath, his zest for life. His eyes were widely open and he tried to talk. The monitor beside him was beating rapidly, as he was searching for light in the foggy world. Living in a tortuous world, he cried in silence.
Dear Friend,
How are you now? I'm really sorry. I have a lot to tell you but I don't know why everything went wrong today, I don't know what happened to me. I was shattering inside out and the pain is ripping me apart. You must stay strong and be a tough person okay. Don't be afraid of the dark because we'll lighten your way. We'll ache, we'll cry and we'll pray for you. Please stay strong..
I don't rattle off a list of tears, sad feelings, and grievances these days. By saying that I'm fine, I can deal with all these more easily. I tried to be cheerful as always, but no avail. The mask I'm wearing now is fading away..
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Monday, September 25, 2006
The Waiting
The stale smell of the medicine, the grief spirit daunted the ICU room. I handed the bottle of blessings to his dad. I'm really sorry because I'm not good in making those but I tried my very best. Dear friend, I really hope that this bottle of blessings could make you feel better.
I comforted everyone to stay strong and smile (like me!) but actually I was the one holding the tears inside. I cried the most, and I was the worst among all. I'm not as strong as you guys thought, I'm just typical me..
Clutching his hand I spoke to him, holding the tears behind the words. He held my hand tightly and tried to talk with the tube. His eyes were watery filled and he tried to open his eyes. I was touched. My eyes were welled with tears and I choked up. I did not wanna let him to hear my weeps..
Hey dear friend,
To lose a good friend like you is something that I couldn't bare. Throughout the years we have been fighting and bullying each other. Remember that you used to bully me? I dun mind to let you bully, but you must wake up and bully me again okay? You must stay strong! It must be an ordeal experience for you but don't fret okay, everyone will be there for you. Please don't give up because this is not the end of the play, u still have a long way to go. We will pray for you, we'll support you always. We hope to see you talk, smile, laugh, jump when we visit you next time. We hope that it won't be in ICU, we hope that it'll be in your house! We'll party over your house..okay?
Some said I looked different these days, some said that I didn't talk much these days. (Izzit?) I'm sorry, maybe I'm just a crying baby. Please forgive me because I mengamuk again. Each of my friend represent different world to me, you guys are the most precious assets I could have. I'd cry for anyone, each of my friends. Sometime I wonder, why not me? The most grieved feeling is to see people we cared suffer great pain.
We'd ask, why not us? Why?
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Wednesday, September 20, 2006
I was paralyzed. It enveloped me for the whole day today and I was no longer in mood for exams anymore, as today we had History paper. The duration was too long for a paper 2 and everyone was sleeping in the class. When it was about noon, the sun was hanging there up in the sky and the rays beat heavily on me. After crapping the sheets, I sat there and began to crap something in my mind.
Where is PEACE? All these seem to be the daily occurrences. Why the rascals could scoot off like a tortoise while the victims suffer a great loss? Where is the justice, lying behind the occurred tragedy? The spate of these tragedies had taken place in our world recently, what on earth is going on? First the TAR college student, and now another one? The fella, being merciless at all. Hey if you want money then just take money and leave. What do you want from him? Don't tell me that you’re a gay!
My senior suffered catastrophe, being seized and he currently is in hospital suffering injuries and being unconscious. It was printed in the newspaper. I heard from one of my friend that his injury is critical. It's really heartrending. Feel really sad right now. I'll pay him a visit soon..
Hey, must stay strong okay. I'll pray for you, please stay strong! Remember you promised to give me pocket money? I still haven't received any of them. Please be tough!
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Saturday, September 16, 2006
The Guilt
Cradling a diminutive cup of coffee
Advertently she let a snooze escape
Darkness upon the room
Merely the grief could tear her apart
The whiff of coffee
Tangles of confusions
The uncapped thoughts
Confession and guilt creep upon her
The guilt
The confession
The delinquency
Echoed her inner turmoil
Falling in the sin
Engrossed with the guilt all alone
Tearing apart with an aching hear
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Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Cikgu dah masuk kelas
Aku terjaga daripada lamunanku
Aku tersengal-sengal kat situ
Dengan asyiknya cikgu tanya pasal aku,"YOU okay ke?"
Cikgu terase pasal aku..
Slumberaku jawab cikgu
Aku dah hampir nangis..
Kali ni salah aku ke?
Aku tak berniat buat macam tu
Aku terpana seketika..
Aku dah berusaha
Aku dah tak larat lagi..
Aku dah...
Kali ni kali terakhir
Sememangnya aku dah berusaha
Kehibaan terpalit di hatiku
Aku mengalamun
Gundah dalam hatiku..
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Thursday, August 31, 2006
The word MERDEKA to me is about humming "Keranamu Malaysia." The obvious thing that I love about merdeka is holiday!=P Haha! The other one is about having flags flying everywhere. (I'm not really patriotic lorr..hehe!) Hmm, I think Merdeka is about gaining our freedom, loving our country and a day ought to be a day of remembrance. Not to forget, holiday!
It's a time for reflections on triumphs and glories. The financial crisis, the trauma in 1969, etc. Merdeka is not merely about freedom but the struggle endured that makes it more meaningful. Basically this is just what I know because my history sucks. I don't really like politics, Ish~ beyond the understanding of a stupid girl like me. Hehe!
The diversity of people of different races and religions, the beauty of our land (pretty ar?), the splendor of different cultures, friends of different races, this is our country, Malaysia. Despite being multiracial, multilingual and multicultural, we are Malaysian! Malaysia Boleh~!
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Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Left Unspoken
Through the mystic veil
Through the empty page
Sadness beyond recognition
She drifted herself to the space
Her heart desires with glistening eyes
Her eyes disdain with sorrow
Inwardly this pain is ripping her apart
No one would know
The story of her woes
She tried to be a good person
She tried to be a helping hand
She tried to be the best she could be
The howling wind silenced her weeps
Alone she was left to face the consequences
In this solitary world
Her prayers was left unspeakable
Notes echoed her with unspoken words
Hovering in pain and agony
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Saturday, August 19, 2006
The Farewell Bid
Is this a beginning or is this the end of the play? Will we meet again or is this the last farewell bid? Nobody knows. God knows. I was sick since yesterday and it's getting worse after the party. Now I’m suffering with sore-throat and flu. Hey this is a good news because it’s the best excuse for me to take a break from studies! Hehe..
The party went really well today. Well-done to everyone! I couldn't believe my eyes that our junior could dance so well. (ok larr not too bad lerr =P) I love hip-hop and break dance so for me the best part of the programme was the dance. Oh yea, I met my seniors too. They looked so gorgeous! Don't know why I feel so happy about gathering stuff. I missed u all so much!!
Today is my lil "bro's" birthdae. Sorry I overslept yesterday and sorry for 15 minutes late but I hope that you'll have a blessed birthday and hope that you'll be happy always! So after the party we went for tea at a shop near KFC. A new breakthrough record for me because I walked in my own feet to KFC! Hehee..I'm not really used to walk for long distance. We had a great time there gossiping and talking crap. Hehee..sorry tauke fer being so noisy. =P
Hey Eric, dun say that i'm worry about you lar. Cherr..( I also dun wan to care about u!!=P) We are just merely 17 and about the patrolling thing, it's really dangerous u know. I don't mean to offend but please be careful when u are on duty. The world of ours is no longer a safe place to live in anymore because of the crimes. Do whatever you think is right but don't risk your life. May god bless you always. Take Care!
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Friday, August 18, 2006
End of The Play
Tomorrow will be the last day of the play. My feeling right now is inexplicable and mixed. Over the years we strived through the good and bad days just for this moment. A moment we once said that it will be a great day, our farewell party. But now, I don’t feel like having farewell party anymore.
A coincidence in our life brought us together. We came to form a gang who stayed true. A team made of a hearts of grace and souls penetrated with love. We wept, we gossiped, we cheered, we did everything holding on together. We came across problems but at the end we solved the problems as a team. We will cherish the memories we shared and it'll forever engraved in our heart. Nothing in this world, nothing shalt loosen our friendship.
I hope that tomorrow will never come because I don't wanna bid goodbye. I love you guys! Tomorrow will be our last play, let's make this a great moment forever engraved in our memories.
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Monday, August 14, 2006
When the euphoria of being praised and admired is in the space, who cares about the knockouts? Why there is discrimination? Is exterior important? I mean, who doesn't like good-looking gals/boys? We often wish that we were Paris Hilton or maybe an idealized model.
I think looks are capricious, we don't know what lays behind the mask. Good-looking people get special treatments and attentions while as for the others, they always being haunted by cruel criticism. We always wish that we are blessed with good-looking but unfortunately we aren't. Sometime we blamed everyone for our predicament, even the God. (I dun think "predicament" is the right word to describe)
Demure, gentle, sweet, cute or docile; we use all these words to describe the so-called "angels". This implies that people wearing braces (like me lar) are none of them but a monster. People identify us by just merely looks and some even vote to decide who is the belle.
No offence to anyone or me, just my thoughts. Look is just an image. If we judge by what we see and not by what we feel, soon or later we will realize and cry. Life is too short to care what the other thinks about us, as long as we are happy with ourselves and it's already sufficient.
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Monday, August 7, 2006
Childhood Memoirs
It works in mysterious ways
I hadn't been expecting
The voice I heard from behind me
This is a day of heartwarming joy
Sweet memories unfurled
Smiles drift from face to face
As the years passed we grow apart
Cherishing those moments
Thinking of those times
The pleasures of those childhood days
Over the years we have shared so much
We shed our laughter and tears
Through good and bad days
Childhood fantasies
Lay dormant in our minds and faded into hazes
We're moving on in our lives
Silently we vowed
Things changed but not our friendship
The world collapsed but not our friendship
FRIENDS FOREVER is our promise!
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Friday, August 4, 2006
Raining Tears
She shivered
The rain soaked her skin
Glints of teardrops
Filled her eyes
The rainy clouds cluster all over up in the air
The trees flatter enthusiastically with the blowing wind
The rain will never wipe away
Her pain nor tears
A crystal sound of the piano
Her fingers pulled melancholy notes together
She enslaves herself to the sonata
The notes penetrated her soul
Sentimental notes filled her
Leading her to the broken heart
The rain gently hits the window
Tapping out a rhythmic tempo
Eventually she is going to break
Fading away with an empty heart
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Sunday, July 30, 2006
Be Positive
Heart flies into distant skies
Glimpsing a rainbow
Colorful and captivating
Tendencies to be negative
Darkness upon the room
Disappear and re-appear
In a fraction of moment
Positive thoughts
Helps us look ahead of time
If we rekindle hope our thoughts
It could uplift our spirit
Bring brightness into our lives
Keeping trace of faith
With our vulnerable hopes
It may open up many doors
Where peace dwells with solace
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Sunday, July 23, 2006
National Service
Light dimming and flicking unexpected
The night is so cold and lonely
Under the radar, they can't find evidence
to why it was I that God chose.
Stumbling down my chosen path
I'm learning to fly and be a strong gal
I'll persevere
I'll continue walking, hoping
We are given the strength and
Ability to endurejavascript:void(0)
National Service
Granted the grace to pursue
Piety and persistent purity
Full of hugs and laughter
Filled with sparkles and twirls
A dream comes true
No one to blame or sue
God knows all, hears all, and sees all
It's not a punishment of any kind
There is no one's fault
It was what he had planned us
A better way of which he sought
Lets all hold hands and make amends
With no despair
Together we make this world a better place
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Friday, July 21, 2006
Jz For u Guys..
Times has flown by
Piles of books brought us together as a team
Through the changing trends
Along with the bickering, fights and gossips
Deep down inside our memory
There will be a special place
In which we store the memories we shared
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Thursday, July 20, 2006
Happi Birthdae
A special day to taste chocolates and cream
Candle lights flicked like the stars
A day full of happiness, hopefulness, no tears
With all the wonders in this beautiful world
Everyone remembering
The day you were born
As if it occurred yesterday
A little girl was brought to this world
The road becomes harder
Life becomes clearer
As you lived another year
You'll be counting more numbers
Years and years after today
You begin to self discover
and pull yourself out of cover
You've grown up
From the problems you have encountered
Happiness will come this year
Life would continue to be nice to u
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Sunday, July 16, 2006
Human beings are social creatures. They strive for companionship with others. Almost everyone has one, and almost everyone is one. There's something about a true friend that cannot be duplicated. Everyone has their own definition of what their own true friend is like and what an impact he/she has made in their life. Most of those we call "friends" are just merely acquaintances. People whom we met at school, people who we met at tuition center, people who just drop to say "hi", etc.
Someone asked me, "How many friends do you have?" To be honest, i don't have the answer. Do you? Do you count how many friends u have? I mean, every single one?
Is it really important to have many friends? What is the use when you have plenty but none of them really understand you and concern about you? I have seen people with dozens of friends. I don’t know, but for me I think I don't need thousands or millions of them. Just a few true ones. That’s enough.
We need friends that really understand our soul and help us when we are down, turn us frown upside-down, and make us feel better about ourselves. A true friend is a title held for the few and privileged. The term cannot be thrown around loosely. Not just anyone can be called your true friend. They are people who help you be more yourself.
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Friday, July 14, 2006
Another Bad Day
It's just another day
Just another lie
Just another bad day
I'm worn and fading away
Stained with bitter tears
Trying to get out of this creepy place
This world is beginning to break
Its hard to live with the pain and heart ache
I'm running out of inspiration
Nobody seems to notice my desperations
I'm rotting away with regressed
I'm tired of being a good girl
Each one of us has the power
To make others feel better or worse
Making others feel better
Is much more fun than making others feel worse
You don't need to have a college degree to serve
You only need a heard full of grace
A soul generated by love
It's just a bad day
Drowning in the river of sour tears
Lonesome and content with fears
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Monday, July 3, 2006
Samba Kick
What could it be if it is not World Cup '06? It's the biggest global party ever. Football fever! It's time for guys having a hard time to choose between hanging out with girlfriend or watching football match. Hmm, hard to decide? Guys, guys, aren't they?
Oh by the way, I’m not a football fan, mind u. I just don't get why people would like sweating in the hot sun just to chase a ball. Aiya, just go to another field and buy a ball to play lar,what for want to fight with each other for just a ball? Haiyo~ Take my bro as a good example, he didn't go home yesterday. He went to VRJ to watch football match. He rather watches football than sleeping in house?
For guys who doesn't like football, that's abnormal. There is only one condition where a guy will give up football, when his girlfriend gets mad. Hahaha. We have to admit that some girls do enjoy football. Er, just like the Gol & Gincu series, the girls love futsall a lot. (I’m a TV freak, I watch almost everything)
You know the girl in "Gol & Gincu". She loves football because of his ex-bf. His ex- broke up with her because she doesn't love football and another girl who loves football attracted the guy. They chat the about same topic, football. I think it's crap for a girl to force herself to love football. (Well, cinta itu buta kan?)
Football. Maybe I don't really understand what is it about. Basically it's about guys sweating just to chase a ball. Oh yea, not to forget. Some good-looking guys!!
For guys, sleep early and never ignore your girlfriend if you have one.
For girls, look out at the handsome guys!It's time that the world gets together in unity and harmony. Football!
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Sunday, June 18, 2006
A Fighter
Life's a long bumpy road
It aint sunny and flat all the time
There will be curves and bumps
And some rains to shower our journey
Speak to your minds
Strive for your dreams
Push yourself all the way
Pull through with flying colours
You are a fighter
Spread love everywhere you go
Love yourself unconditionally
Believe what fate brings us
Overcome your fearless
You are a fighter
The hardest battle
Is to battle to be just YOU
Serve your soul with your confidence
Don't fret nor give up
You are a fighter
Your chances of success
They are measured by your belief in yourself
They is no way to know before experiencing
Push your fears away with determination
You are a fighter
Be originally yourself
Make yourself a fighter
A one that fights for life and success
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Wednesday, June 7, 2006
Just a comic book?
My sis, a big fan of the comic book "Ge Mei Liang". She even loves the author's signature. Er-hmm! Maybe this is just to profound and well beyond the comprehension of a teenage elder sister like me? Huh? What is in that author that intrigues my sis anyway? (Is he handsome?)
Then later on, I found out that she have almost the full collection of the "Ge Mei Liang". WOAA~ Where and how did she get those books? Hmm~ Obviously she's hiding something! That day when my mum, my sis and me went to the Book Fest, she persuaded me to buy her 2 more comic books. Then the other day she persuaded my mum to buy her 7 more. So clever horr...
I glanced through some pages of the book while she was away.'s not bad actually. Many thoughts just darted through my mind while reading. Hmm..not bad. No wonder lar, I always saw mischievous smile on her face when she read the books. She even influences me to read her comic books. Hmm~
Well, I hope that she learnt something from the book, something that comes from the within.
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Monday, June 5, 2006
Save our earth, save ME!
Today my mum and my sis will be going to the Book Fest for the second trip, the third one for me. Today is the last day of the fair, and I’m just too tired to walk anymore. So I’ve decided to stay at house..
Daniel will be at Book Fest this evening (6pm). Aikzz~ I wish I could see Daniel again. These days after having the medicine pills make me so drowsy. I was like staggering when I walk; it's kinda dangerous lorr if walking all around like that at the Book Fest. Who knows I might bump into the walls?
Well, it's because my nose lorr. I'm allergic to the polluted air, esp the at school. It makes me so hard to breathe; sometime I hardly breathe using my nose. Haiyo~ Save our earth larr..and save my nose too. Hiazz~ see now I have to eat those pills that make me nauseate. I hate medicine, but now I guess the only thing I could do is to endure it. Right?
Human beings and plants lead a symbiotic existence. They are inter-dependent. (Moral : Menyayangi and Menghargai Alam Sekitar) Speak of my moral project, duh~
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Thursday, May 25, 2006
I cried again. I'm not tough enough. His eyes sparkled and his lips broke into gentle smile when I saw him. I wish that I could at least do something for him. Crying won't help anything..
Memories flow like giant tears, the chills arises in the air, a masterpiece in mind, a beautiful funeral. Roses set up the casket, a pale face laid to rest, and angelic song was sung. Jesus gave his guidance, his reassurance, and the deliverance for the love ones. Jesus’ blew and the dust were scattered and brought a person to life. (That's what I heard from the priest..)
It's quite late right now. I'm still don't know whether should I give u a call or not. How are you? Are you okay? Did you need anything? Tonight the first night and what I’m doing now is just sitting in front of computer weeping. Is there anything that I can do for you? I hope that I could giggle and slurp a hot chocolate with you tonight. But I'm not good in talking and I’m afraid that what I do will make it even worse. Dear friend, forgive me..
It hurts to look back, if you feel afraid to look ahead, look besides coz we all will be there.
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Monday, May 15, 2006
Mother's Day
From inside my heart, however I wish to capture the endless eternal love of my mum soul. I love my dearly mum so much~~!! My mum, no other like d others mum, love us so much and take care of us with motherly love. You can tell it by looking at me; I would never and ever succeed to DIET because of my mum's cooking. Hers cooking is the best!! She fulfills the needs of all without asking for any return. Among the whole galaxy, you are the brightest *star.*
I was crowned as a "pig" in d house coz I love to eat and sleep all time. Well, what else should I be called? Do you know what she told her friends about me?
MUM, your "pig" here wanna thank you for your understanding, your enduring patience for always being there for me, and for your everlasting love~! Muakszzz! Time braided your hair with silver threads and wrinkles your skin. However your soul doesn't age and we love you! Mum I don't tell you enough how much I really care. And yet something for sure I’ll love you forever.
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Thursday, April 13, 2006
A girl's soul
Looking through the mirror
Aching with sadness
Feeling torn apart
I'm a girl
Who wants to be free
Who wants something more
Who wants to be blessed with a nice look
Everyday people look at me
Criticizing and
Getting cold looks as I walked
Somehow i felt being cut on my vein
Holding tears inside
Covering my face with a smiling mask
It was hardly noticeable
I've seen
How guys flirt on pretty-cute girls
How girls flirt on good-looking guys
How people judge other people
Ignoring the within
I'm a girl
Hiding in the darkness
Being haunted by the cruel criticism
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Monday, April 10, 2006
No chances to be happy
Never feeling well or "okay"
I'm a patient who is trying to get better
Yet there is no remedy in sight
To cure my illness
I'm sick
Sick of being lost in life
No directions towards paths and roads
Sick of seeking the way out
Out of the never ending problems
I'm sick
Sick of hiding behind the disguise
Between truth and lies
Sick of the cuts
The cuts that make me falling helplessly
I'm sick
Sick of wearing a mask
A fake smiling mask across my face
Sick of being too soft hearted
Holding the tears and thoughts for myself
I'm sick
Sick of running out of inspiration
Tonight seems to be a never ending night
The darkness breaking through the light
Swirling to a world of peace and tranquility
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Saturday, April 1, 2006
A night
As the sky gets deeper
The full moon gleamed
A blanket of stars covered the sky
It's a meek night
As the loneliness sweeping in
I lay there
Seeking for the brightest diamond
Making a wish upon them
It's a silent night
As the sky growing ominously darker
I hunched forward
Putting all the words together like scrambled egg
With tears collected in my eye lashes
As the storm rumbles
I'm shivering in despair
Growing up and conquering all dreams
In hope to reach the brightest star
It's a perfect night
Felling asleep leaning my hand
Drifting to the dream of ecstasy
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Thursday, March 2, 2006
The Competition
My name was called
The second-last in the list
I marched out
No one seems warned me of the nerves
My teeth clattering and chattering
Palms were sweating
Hands were giggling
Stomach was twisting and rumbling
Molecules were shaking
Blood was running-low
Heart was tearing and beating unusually
The tense and fear
Nerve-wreaking silence
In a small room
Are enough to kill and chill anyone
With a deep breath
I started my speech
With a simple "thank you"
I ended my speech
And heaved a sigh of relief
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