Thursday, June 14, 2007

Back To Schooling Days

"You know they mistyped your class? It should be 5e5!!" That was Ms Chan's response when I saw her. I attended the prize giving ceremony for Merit Award at my secondary school. The people in charge mistyped my class as 5S5 in the list. I was like, since when I'm a Science Stream student? Ms Chan is so cute laa..

We met Pn Haniza. She is still the same with her mysterious smile and mystifying staring eyes. *You know laa..* She approached us and pinched me and Yue, and said in front of Ms Chan with her INTONATION..

"Tengok tengok~ dalam kelas saya selalu marah mereka. Kalau saya tak marah, mereka takkan berjaya~~ You both should thank me you know~"

We both went totally numb and speechless in the spur of moment. Nodding our heads, we chuckled. I miss her voice, her intonation and her singing. Hahaha..really funny. Her voice is really shivering and I can't stand not to laugh. Hehe.. Hey don't tell her I said so.. *shhhh*

To be seated according to the list, with a bunch of friends from Science Stream. you know how weird it is? Everyone was talking about Science stuff, like...*you know laa, science stuff* And I have no idea what they were talking about! Haha..

"Wow, you are the top scorer Art Stream student you know! You see, you are the only one in the list from Art Stream. - pointing at the list- You are outstanding!!"

"Your parents must be very proud of you right? Any reward from your parents?"

I don't know what to say. I never thought that I'd be seated with them, never. They used to be top scorer in school and receiving award is just a piece of cake for them. To be honest, I'm envious of them all the time. No laa, it's just that.. they are smart and whiz ones. I'm just not as smart as them, in fact I'm quite dim-witted.

People said I'm smart, outstanding and so on.. but I don't think so. I'm not as good as you all think. I'm just someone who have to struggle very hard to achieve a bit of something. (Which is piece of cake for some people) Still, no matter how hard I tried, I failed everything.

Today is the last class we had with Emma. The last class before the next semester on July. I was promoted to the next level, which means I can't stay with my friends anymore. I miss everyone. Do take care you guys.. I'm definitely going to miss you all and all the fun we had..


CLF said...

So envy you can go back there take $$, I'm 1 A short duh!

Haniza? Hahah luckily didnt meet her or else I'll die.... one of the lowest grade I got is her BM lol.

P/S: How much u got for straight As?

Val said...

DONT ROB ME! DONT ROB ME! I'm not rich..haha.. =P

*hugging my money to sleep*
