Sunday, December 21, 2008


I realised that I'm incompatible
A babyish me fussing over this matter

I have pursued wholeheartedly
without realising it's a losing game
I wanted to achieve something
Something that is different of what I'm doing now
Cause I'm really tired these days
It's a hollow kind of sham
The kind of feeling I have now

I desired a lot of things
I dreamed and tried my best to reach for it
But I always fall because it's too remote to my capacity
I realised when you fall, because you have climbed too high
It feels really childish, you know
When you're upset with something
And other people are upset with much more serious matters
The feeling is incompatible

I'm sorry
But things aint easy for me these days

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*hug hug*
*sayang sayang*