Sometimes I just don't know if this is the right decision. With the options in my hands, I don't know what I want for my future. Will I regret one day for the wrong path I chose? Well..I don't know.
"Well, from your graph. You are suitable for your course. Don't worry, you will be fine in your course."
"But Mr Alen, I know from the graph I'm suitable for my course. But just that when I study.. sometimes I don't know if I'm choosing the right path. I doubt my decision and the path I chose. I don't really know what I want for my future."
"Then this a matter of interest.. We have a lot of options in our hands. When I was at your age I don't know what I want to be. Till I graduated and found a job and after a few years I apprehended that I don't fit my job. Later on I discovered D.I.S.C and then I realized that I couldn't live without the crowd. I initiated to quit my job and become a speaker."
"Anyway, what I want to tell you is that.. If you want to succeed, you must utilize your strength and not trying to improve your weaknesses. Overcoming weakness is good yet you have to focus on your strength. This is the main message I want to tell you and the main reason I'm here. If you love your job with passionate, you are willing to do it for free."
Sunday, July 29, 2007
My Path
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Saturday, July 28, 2007
D.I.S.C Workshop
I attended to D.I.S.C Workshop today with Jason (you know him?) And hey we are not twins! haha~ Anyway it was really enjoyable and fun! Inexplicable yet I'm positive that it's a awesome workshop! I learned a lot of things that I really wanna share with everyone but I just don't know how.. The speaker Mr Alen was really cute and humorous!
Looks are quite capricious, don't you think so? Whenever people see me they will interpret me as an obedient girl. Obedient doesn't mean that I'm a nerd okay..haha~ And yeah people like to take advantage on me because I'm a thorough fool that is just too tenderhearted. My friends keep on scolding me for being too nice to other people resulting to put myself in great grievance. Stupid huh.. I don't know. I feel terrible for rejecting people who need help.."Aiyoo Val ar, she is very quiet ohh.."
"She don't really like to talk, golden mouth mah~" depends. You know when I start to talk, nobody can stop me until I finish my lines. Generally I'm kinda introverted and I have to confess that sometimes I kinda quiet. It depends actually~ Sometime I may get too exaggerated. "Too high" in more comprehensible term. Haha~ This is true! People who know me well they know how crazy I am. I don't really like to live in a monotonous space. Come on guys, let's get high!!^^Actually these four fundamentals are in everyone of us. Just that it depends on the atmosphere we live in. Well umm.. don't get shocked when you see me on task because I'm totally different when I'm serious. I'm task-oriented and I like to do things to be the acme of perfection. Either go the whole hog or else quit it altogether. Haha~ don't pray pray wo..
hehee..multiple of me! =P
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Thursday, July 26, 2007
Today is THURSDAY!!
And I love Thursday! Because tomorrow I have no class till Sunday! Finally I can get those stuff outta my head! Anyway, "no class" doesn't mean I'm free from everything. I still have loads of things to do on my to-do list. Have you notice my eyes these days?OMG~ Val what happened to your eyes?!!
Actually I love this pic, but not the eyes. Hey, not the "mata sepet" okay (though it is quite true), what I mean is the panda eyes!
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Friday, July 20, 2007
D.I.S.C Personality Assessment and Communication Skills Workshop
" I think I should change my course, I don't think I'm suitable for my course. Maybe I can do better in something else. Or, maybe I should marry to a rich guy instead, I don't wanna study! OMG, I don't know what I want! "
Feeling lost and have no idea what do you want for your future? D.I.S.C Personality Assessment test is all you need! Career Guidance Society (CGS) is organizing a D.I.S.C Personality Assessment and Communication Skills workshop next Saturday.
Date: 28 July 2007
Venue: UA113 Sport Complex
Time: 9am to 6pm
Fees: RM25 for members
(rm30 for non-members including RM5 membership fee)
* Lunch and refreshment will be provided *
You may say, what for I need to pay to get to know more about myself? Think again- This is something regarding your future, your career. I believe that everyone has strengths and weaknesses. So, the question is.. How are you going to utilize your strength and potential to overcome your weaknesses?
As students, we don't know what do we want for our future because we have a lot of options in our hands. We can do well in a lot of things and we don't know which is the best for us. Career, future, think about this! The wrong decision will lead us to the wrong path and then we have to bear the consequences for the rest of our life.
Upon joining this workshop, you will have a better image of your future career and your life direction. You will know what is in yourself and discover the career that matched your personality. And also, boosting up your communication skills too! This is something very important. There are a lot of people out there moaning everyday, annoyed by their job and life. They heave a sigh of regret for the wrong path they chose. By the time they find out that their personalities do not match their job, it's too late.
You may think RM30 is too much! I can do a lot of things with Rm30. I can go and watch a movie (Harry Potter!!) with caramel popcorn and have a meal at KFC! Or, I rather top-up my handphone credit and talk with my beloved dear. o__O
Think of this seriously. You rather spend all these for entertainment than doing something good for your future? I know most of us have to make decision for every ringgit we want to spend. This kind of workshop will actually cost you about RM100+ at the market price.
You may think, this kind of career stuffs is something boring. are wrong again. I can assure you that it's going to be really fun! We have fun and enjoy ourselves, and learn something at the same time. D.I.S.C personality assessment and communication skills workshop is something that will definitely benefit you and your future!
Come and join us! We welcome all TARCIANs to join our workshop and our society! We prepare students to the REAL world out there. RM 5 to join our society, and to do something regarding your future! Upon joining our society and participate in our activities, you will have a better image of your future career and we prepare yourself to the REAL world out there! So what are you waiting for? =)
I know, I'm promoting CGS. Forgive me for this long post.. Please spend a few minutes to think about this okay.. If you are interested, feel free to contact me.. Thanks for reading! n__n
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Thursday, July 19, 2007
Promoting our workshop
Unexpectedly Jocelyn handed over the microphone to me, I was like..huh? Me? I went numb and for a second, giggling with the microphone in my hand. After a deep breath, I blurted out everything. After that, there were people who came to Canteen 2 Foyer and told me..
" Hey you were the one who came to our lecture hall to do the announcement just now right? "
" I love the way you speak, you are really great "
I was stunned. A feedback from an anonymous , whom I don't really know. Brow-knitted, as if I don't believe what I just heard. Later on, there were a few people came and told me the same thing. Thank you all so much!! That was my first attempt to speak in front of the lecture hall, I was bloody nervous. And yet, I enjoyed myself for doing it! Sorry yea I don't know who you guys are, but thanks!!^^
Although I skipped some classes (promise you won't tell okay) to promote the workshop, I learned a lot of things and I love it! hehe..
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Saturday, July 7, 2007
Making a Difference
"Have you ever wonder why must you study Hubungan Etnik?"
Ms Val questioned us abruptly. (Yes I know, same as my name) Matthew unequivocally answered "It has nothing to do with our course" without any doubt. I'm sure everyone, including me myself do not understand the government policies about this subject as we all have studied these in our History from Form1-5, and Moral as well.
Ms Val linked Mathew's answer to many sensitive social issues. Somehow, I don't know why I blurted out so much political issues when Ms Val asked. Not really political, social issues I think. I can't believe myself that I actually crapped that much~ o.O
I'm not good in political stuff, and I seldom read newspaper. (busy until no time to read newspaper?) But when it comes to one's welfare, I feel terribly gloomy for those needy people out there. Those deprived, and not able to survive in the rat race. I wish somehow I could help those who need help out there~
Many social issues erupted these days that concerns teenagers. The phenomenon is very common when people form a sweeping judgment that teenagers nowadays is bad-mannered and they do not contribute anything but accumulate as rubbish to the society! I feel offended when I heard that..
There a many things that do not lay in front of our eyes. Life is not easy for them and we as outsider do not comprehend how they feel. They are not very lucky like us because they grown up in an environment that forbid them to pursue good education.
Back to the schooling days, we are always required to write essay about the social problems in the society. One of the factors will surely be the family problems. We write, write, and write about their faults and the right remedy to solve the problem. Writing is much easier when it comes to implementation. When we were writing (dengan syok-nya) do we actually sense the real situation?
People, please don't blame them for their predicament. There are many talents out there with great aptitudes and were not given a chance to pursue education. Malaysia is a multiracial county with the mixture of many cultures. However there are a lot of things which are forbidden, which can't be seen..People! Follow your bliss, listen what your heart has to say. Don't fret because you are not alone anguishing this alienation. Trust your intuition and do the right thing. When there is a will, there is a hope. I believe that if we dare to make the first move, we will make a difference in our life and also make an impact towards the others.
Even though we hoard the whole world, we won't be satisfied and ever content with what we have. The greatest pleasure is to do good to another and make an impact towards other's life..
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