Friday, November 2, 2007

Being a MC

"Mum, tomorrow I'm going to be MC for tomorrow's career talk."
"What MC oh? You sick meh?"

In the fraction of seconds, I leaned behind a little and a "huh" slipped off my mouth without going through my mind. (mind you, I was absent-minded) Mum, you are really cute la..

It was the first time for me being MC and everything was utterly panicky. (hey mum, it's master for ceremony lar~) My hands were trembling and my voice was shaking. My mind was quivering like tremor upheaval and I was bloody nervous. I screwed up a little initially, in front of the familiar faces. Hiaz..

I was told that my intonation and accent should be more "ceremonial and firm". I was like..huh? I can't really picture myself being so official like some sort of bureaucrat. I mean, can you? Maybe that's why I don't really like formal stuff. (Business school student, huh?)

I plowed through everything in the end. As I summon up the pieces of the humiliating moments, I feel like digging up a hole and sheathe my head deep inside forever. Anyhow it was really fun and I feel like doing it again. Hehe..

So there it goes, my very first time being MC!


Anonymous said...

gamabateh o val..
although it's ur first time..
but i'm so proud of u..
u did very well..
i'm very impressed..
must gambateh o..
i'll always support u wan o..
hehe =p
(ur mom very funny oso ler.. haha)


Val said...

Hey thanks oh..
fan..sorry..freedom23 =)

CLF said...

You're the MC for today's activity?
Nice.... will you still be the MC for the other activities? HaH.

Do inform me bout the activities dated after 16 Nov, much appreciate and thanks.

Val said...

hey.. thanks for dropping by! i don't know.. whatever will happen, just let it be..=)

yeah problem!